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Avid motorcyclist & freelance writer, specializing in motorcycles & motorcycle related topics, with a healthy dose of good humor, good vibes & general advice on simply being a good person.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Dyna LOVE!

I posted a picture of my Dyna Street Bob today on the 'Gram, just because I got a decent picture of it last weekend, and damn! What a response! There's a lot of people that absolutely LOVE the Harley-Davidson Dyna family of bikes, me being one of them. Which makes me wonder, just why in the world did the execs over at the MoCo decide to drop it from the lineup?

When H-D first introduced the Dyna, or the FXD line...waaaaay back in 1991, it was just the next in the generation of the middle-weight cruisers, a spawn of the FXR, if you will. But, the "new" bikes (Fat Bob, Street Bob, Low Rider and Low Rider 'S') are simply Dyna names in a whole different family... the Softails. Now, to give you an idea what the significance of that is, think about it like this... remember Jordan Peele's movie "Us"? That is sort of the same concept. A Softail Low Rider S is still a cool ass bike, but it's just a little...off. If you haven't seen the movie, then do yourself a favor and check it out...JP's got some cool (albeit twisted) story lines in his head. 

I did a slideshow a while back on the "death" of the Dyna... you can check it out here -Is the Dyna really dead?

MUCH thanks to all of y'all awesome folks that are hitting the like button on my InstaPics. It's really cool to see all the love for my "back from the dead" Street Bob from all over the world. If you haven't already, check out my space on the Instabook and Facegram here- Motowriter74 on Insta and Motowriter on the Book of faces

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