Who am I and why the hell should you care about reading my blog?

Avid motorcyclist & freelance writer, specializing in motorcycles & motorcycle related topics, with a healthy dose of good humor, good vibes & general advice on simply being a good person.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Enough is Enough

Go Fast, Don’t Die Wisdom

As I’ve mentioned here before, I try to follow and support businesses that share my morals, ethics, beliefs and sentiments on life and living, and on how we treat each other. Our lives are so full of tech, social media, negativity and stress, that it’s easy to get caught up in our our own survival. So much so, that sometimes we forget (or overlook) how to live, and how to live with each other, in a productive, healthy, adventurous, and insightful way. 

While not every business I patronize and promote meets those standards, a few of them do, and one of those businesses is Go Fast Don’t Die. If you haven’t checked them out… please do. They have a lot of cool stuff to check out and, while they’re a retail business on the surface, they’re a lifestyle brand at their core. You see, everything these guys are doing in their warehouse store in Wyoming, is geared toward encouraging people to be the best versions of themselves and to live their lives to the fullest. Selling t-shirts, socks, jackets, hats and stickers is just a way to help them pay the bills so they can keep spreading those good vibes into the world. Each week, if you sign up for it, they send out a thoughtful and insightful message to help motivate you for the upcoming week; they call it the “On Any Someday” series and each week they drop something new, and usually really great. Recently, they sent one that I really liked a lot and that’s the topic of today’s MotoPost.


What is “enough”. In the aforementioned weekly email from the good folks at Go Fast Don’t Die, the story they told was of two gentlemen that attended a party, hosted by a billionaire hedge fund manager. The two fellows were identified as Kurt Vonnegut and author of Catch 22, Joseph Heller. At some point during the evening, Vonnegut tells Heller that their host had made more money in one day, than Heller’s book had made over it’s entire lifetime of publication. Heller responded to this jab, with a killer one line response that is the inspiration for this whole post- Heller replied with, “yes, but I have something that he will never have- enough.”

That story, and that response, really resonated with me. The world tells us that we need more, so we are always seeking it. More advancement, more money, more… stuff. So, I ask you… what is enough? When do you have enough? What is the magic number in your bank account to satisfy you? How many square feet is the ideal number to satisfy your housing needs? How many cars? How many motorcycles? How many hours a week do you need to work to meet your goals? How many years do you need to wait before you take that vacation you always wanted to take? 

Presence versus presents

This year for Christmas, we decided to do our gifting a little differently. Instead of giving presents, we decided to give presence. Now, before you ask, no, it’s not about saving money. Ultimately, we are spending about the same (maybe even a little more) than we would have spent on traditional gifts for everyone. The biggest difference is the take-away- what will be left of the gifts that we are giving? 

When our kids were just little MotoKids, gift giving was fun and easy. Watching them rip into their presents on their birthdays and Christmases, year after year, was a memory that I’ll cherish forever. And that’s the one thing that they still have of those years gone by- the memories. The toys are long gone, but the memories remain. As our kids got older, and started their careers… their tastes became more specific and, since they earn their own money, they no longer rely on Christmas mornings or their birthdays to get what they want. I’m no different, either. If I want a part for my motorcycle or a piece of gear, I go buy it- I don’t put it on a list and wait for a special occasion, then hope that someone else gets it for me. Sure, there are some things that you can give to your loved one that they probably wouldn't buy for themselves and, for those things, we wrapped up and put under the tree. But for the other stuff- we decided to make memories, instead. 

Experience life

We chose to give the gifts of experiences this year. Experiences like, taking some trips as a family, going to cool museums, expos, and visiting new places. You see, as our kids got older, went to college and then started their careers, the time we spent together as a family started slipping away. The kids could feel it, and so could Mrs. MotoWriter and I. We tried out the idea last year, and took a couple of road trips together, as a family. We traveled to the mountains, saw an art exhibit in a nearby state, and we made a point to have regular dinners together. We spent more time together as a family, and as a result, we made memories that will last a lifetime. 

This year, we decided to go full send with the concept. This year, our Christmas tree stood, lit and twinkling in the living room of our house, barren of any colorfully wrapped boxes underneath. We exchanged a few, thoughtful gifts on Christmas Day, but for the most part, the gifts were intangible. My wife bought an inexpensive karaoke machine a few weeks before Christmas, so we’ve all had a bunch of fun, laughing, singing and laughing some more, with that. We’re also planning a few family trips for the upcoming year- trips that are sure to produce memories that will last a lifetime. 

Final Thoughts

Only you can decide when you have enough. What is enough for one person might be excess to another, and next to nothing to someone else. For example, Mrs. MotoWriter and I live in a relatively small house with a mortgage payment that is less than what others pay for their car each month. We have some debt, but we aren’t drowning in it and we both make enough money in our paying gigs that we can pay all of our bills each month and still have a few dollars left over. We have friends that are living meagerly by comparison and we have other friends that are living well beyond their means, relying on their overtime to pay their bills. Having a big house and a new car every year, or always being the guy on the newest motorcycle of your group of riding buddies, hardly seems worth it, if you can’t afford to pay your mortgage, ride that motorcycle or take a fun road trip in that new car, because you’re working all the time just to pay for all of that crap. 

Every person is different and we all need to prioritize what’s important to us. For me, spending time with my family is my top priority. Riding my motorcycle, writing this blog and working on the novel, are all priorities. I have to pay my bills, so I have to work. But, when given the chance to buy the latest phone, a new car, or even a new motorcycle, when what I have is working just fine for my needs… then count me out. 

My advice to you, if you want it, is to make a point to experience life this year. Don’t just live and exist in 2025- live and exist in the moments that make up 2025. Spend time with your family, friends and share experiences together. Don’t put off plans for some time in the future… because, just as my friends at Go Fast Don’t Die have said, Someday isn’t a day on the calendar.” 

Always remember- if you’re not careful, the stuff you own will start to own you, and death is inevitable. If we’re lucky, our time here is limited to 75 good years, so make them count. 

Until next time, MotoReaders… 

Ride safe and make great memories!

Saturday, December 21, 2024



What is kindness? What does it mean to be kind? There are dozens of things that I could list that could be considered kind, but we’re not talking about kind acts… we’re talking about the “ness.” A kind act could be as simple as letting someone merge in traffic in front of you, or even paying for a strangers coffee when they frantically look for their wallet after ordering their double mocha, half-caf, froo-froo, whatchacallit drink from the local coffee shop. But what is the ness of kindness and, more importantly, how do you obtain kindness? After much contemplation on the matter, I’ve come to the conclusion that kindness doesn’t exist. Not in the sense that we think, anyway. You can’t buy it, but you can get it, you can’t have it, but… you can give it.

The cost of kindness

They say that nothing in this world is free, but it costs nothing to be nice to someone. To say “good morning” to a stranger, or to hold the door for someone who has their hands full. Offering a simple “pardon me” if you accidentally bump someone on the sidewalk, or even just holding in that fart while you’re on the elevator (you know who you are). Bringing a load of gifts to a homeless shelter could be expensive and volunteering to work at a food bank takes time that not everyone has. Donating your old clothes or your kids old toys doesn’t cost anything, though and bringing a casserole to a struggling family doesn’t take much time at all. 

The traits of kindness

Perhaps, in order to figure out the “ness”, we need to identify some of the most common traits of kindness. 
  • Respect- respect for others and respect for yourself;
  • Courtesy- being polite and courteous;
  • Friendly- being nice just for the sake of being nice;
  • Chivalry- opening doors or offering your seat to a woman or an elderly person;
  • Manners- saying excuse me if you burp, or pardon me if you bump into someone;
  • Polite- saying good morning or have a nice day when greeting someone;
  • Gratitude- being appreciative of the things you have and the things you receive from others- and acknowledging it;
  • Generous- giving to others without expecting anything in return;
  • Mercy- not taking advantage of someone when they are down, weak or hurting. 
These are just a few things off the top of my head that, I believe, define kindness.

Kindness is a virtue

We’ve all heard that kindness is a virtue and, according to the Oxford dictionary, a virtue is defined as “behavior showing high moral standards.” So, maybe figuring out the “ness” isn’t so complicated after all. 

All it takes to have kindness is to practice being kind, regularly. Be polite, respectful, courteous, friendly, generous, gracious, chivalrous and merciful. Have good manners and treat people (and situations) the way that you would want to be treated (or the way you’d want your favorite relative or friend to be treated). Remember that everyone you meet has something in their life that they are dealing with that you don’t know about- be it a sick relative, stress at work, financial struggle, personal injury, emotional stress or even some psychological or physical insecurity. Lots of people put on a brave face, talk loud or puff their chest out and pretend to be alright, when they are actually feeling weak, insecure or afraid. 

So, my advice to you is, if kindness is a virtue- be virtuous. If an opportunity presents itself where you can be nice, polite, generous, respectful, courteous, gracious, merciful or chivalrous… then do it. Spread good in the world. Let’s change how we treat each other and let’s make this world of ours a better place to live in, for all of us.

Let’s all start working toward being kind, and spreading kindness.

Until next time, MotoFriends, 

             Ride safe, and be kind.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

MotoReview- Sena 20sEVO

MotoReview- Sena 20S EVO

I know that the Sena 20S EVO is an “older” unit that has been out for a good long while, so you may be asking, why bother with reviewing this unit when Sena has released a few newer, updated comms since this one? 

Well, the answer is simple- most major motorcycle retailers are still selling the 20S EVO and, I would bet a Chic-Fil-A sammich against a Wendy’s Baconator that the 20S EVO is one of, if not the, best selling units that Sena has made, so far. Please don’t fact check this, because I’m just guessing and I don’t have either of those sammy’s to bet with. 

At a price of $269 for the single pack and $489 for the Duo Pack (as currently listed on the Sena website), it’s safe to say that Sena is still making money off of this model, so since it’s still on the market, I believe this MotoReview still has relevance for those who are looking at helmet comms. So, let’s take a look at a few of the pros and cons of this Bluetooth Communication system.

Quick disclosure and backstory

I was not, and am not, a representative, brand ambassador, paid sponsorship (or anything else cool like that) for Sena. The company didn’t send me anything to test (although they could- hint, hint) and they didn’t give me a discount to do this review- I bought and paid for them with my own dollar bills.

I picked up the 20S EVO Duo-Pack back in August 2022, in preparation for a long motorcycle trip that Mrs. MotoWriter and I were planning on taking. I wanted a simple, easy to use, reliable, and wireless, helmet communication system for our trip, since I ride Harley-Davidson’s best motorcycle, the Road King Special, which doesn’t have any on-board comms or other distractions, like some of their other Grand American Touring bikes. 

The trip was to be an epic one- a ride to the motorcycle motherland of Milwaukee, WI to attend the 120th Anniversary Celebration of the MoCo’s establishment. As these things often happen, though- we missed out on the anniversary festivities (which was for the best, since neither of us are fans of big crowds anyway), and we ended up traveling to the home of H-D by plane, on a work trip, instead. Of all the extra gear that I picked up in preparation for the motorcycle trip that never was, though, the one we used, and still use, the most is our Senas. 


A long, long, long time ago, before Mrs. MotoWriter had my last name, she bought me a Chatterbox wired communication system for the bike I had back then (way back before I was cool, she was). She bought it for me so that we could talk to each other through our full face helmets when we were riding. It was cool, and it worked well, but we were tethered together, which I didn’t mind until we got off the bike and would get tangled in the wires. Needless to say, motorcycle communication systems have come a long way since then, so before I set out on dropping a few hundred of my hard-earned dollars, I did some research. 

I learned, pretty quickly, that I didn’t know anything about these “new” Bluetooth systems, so I reached out to my brother-from-another-mother (who you all know as the owner of the Bike of the Month for January 2021), Lee, who is a tech guru by trade. He had been using the 20S EVO for quite a while before I decided to buy one, so I asked him for his thoughts and he recommended it, wholeheartedly. 

Initial thoughts

I got the units on sale from my favorite online retailer, Revzilla (whom I don’t have any affiliation with, but if they wanted me to be a contributing writer, I absolutely would- hint, hint, Revzilla Execs). I don’t remember the exact price I paid, but it was close to $400 for the pair (on sale). They arrived soon after, and to my delight, they included several different mounting options. I chose the internal, wired boom microphone option for my HJC modular and for the Missus, I chose the direct boom since her helmet is a 5/8 with a removable chin bar. Installation was quick and easy for both and all we needed to do was download the Sena app to our phones to ease in the setup and Bluetooth connectivity. 

Pairing the units to our phones was quick and easy. Pairing them together was a little trickier, since we’re not really tech savvy people, but we got it done pretty quickly and, mostly, painlessly. From there, we decided to try them out, so we set out on a ride to nowhere in particular. The missus was able to sit back and relax against the backrest on the “King” instead of leaning forward to talk in my ear, and I was able to ride with my head on a swivel, instead of keeping my head turned slightly to the side so I could hear what she was saying. The volume knobs were easy to manipulate while wearing gloves and the voice sound was incredibly clear. The best part (compared to that old wired Chatterbox device) is, obviously, the lack of wires, but a close second to that is the full duplex communication- it’s just like talking on the phone. 

They worked well for all of the relatively short trips that Mrs. M and I usually take on the weekends, and the batteries seem to last a long time when not in use. I used mine on a solo trip to the Appalachians in September of the same year, mainly for listening to music, and I don’t remember needing to charge the battery until the last night of the 3 day trip, which I thought was pretty impressive. The real test, however, came in June of 2023, when Lee and I took a trip to the mountains so he could see what the Tail of the Dragon and the Cherohala Skyway were all about. We met in South Alabama, and rode to north Georgia, which turned out to be over 6 hours due to weather and traffic. Since we hadn’t ridden together in several years, we talked and caught up via our Senas for just about the entire trip. The batteries lasted the entire time- which was pretty much all continuous talk time. That’s pretty damn good, in my opinion. 


The obvious standout pro on this unit is the talk time and battery life. I can tell you that, for me anyway, there are few things as frustrating as a dead or dying battery. Not to mention, on our bikes, we’re limited on what, and how, we can charge devices. Another pro is the ease of use. I especially love that the 20S EVO is easy to manipulate with gloves. The range between units is good, maybe not great, but definitely good as long as you and your riding buddies are within a reasonable distance of each other. If you get out of range, you can simply make a phone call to tell them to catch up. Finally, the sound quality of the voice comms is excellent. The voice comes through clear and loud, and there has been no noticeable wind noise in my experiences so far. The music audio is good, but I was really hoping for a little better performance here, which will be the segue to the cons.


As I said, the music audio is good, but it’s not really that good. I’ll admit that, in my advancing age, my hearing could be declining somewhat- blame it on too many power tools, too much heavy metal music and too many motorcycle rides in half helmets. On slower roads, the volume does a better than fair job of keeping your head bobbing, but when you enter the freeway, the sound quality declines in direct correlation with your speed. The faster you go, the more the sound quality suffers. Little nuances in songs start to get lost, and, if you don’t know the song… you might not be able to discern whats even playing. It should be noted, however, that I got the 20 S EVO with the standard speakers, instead of the HD speakers. Another big drawback with mine, is I’ve had an annoying weird powering issue that I can’t quite figure out. I get a high-pitched beep, every few minutes, and then, without any other warnings, the headset powers off. Now, I know what you might be thinking- the battery is dead or going dead. Nope. This issue happens randomly and almost always happens with a fresh off the charger unit. I’ve tried searching the interweb, but I haven’t found anything that has been helpful, so far. The frustrating part is that there is no rhyme or reason for when it does it…and it doesn’t do it all the time, so most of the time, I just turn it back on and keep going. Finally, the price could be a little better. Since the 20, Sena has released a few different models, the 30, the 50 and even a 60, just to name a few off the top of my noggin. So, with all these newer, more updated units being offered, why can’t Sena drop the price on the 20 by a few hundred bucks? Well the answer to that question is simple, my friends… because they don’t need to. 

Riders like us know what we like and we know what we want. Most of us are less interested in the “newest, latest” thing and more interested in high quality parts and accessories that work the way we expect them to, and that’s exactly what the 20 S EVO does. It’s a solid, functional and reliable piece of equipment that is still a money making product for Sena. Why would they drop the price on a device that is still very desirable in the current market? With that said, $269 for a solid, well built Bluetooth communication headset may be a bit pricey, but you do get what you pay for and, like I’ve said so many times in the past- quality items aren’t cheap, and cheap items aren’t quality. I’m not suggesting that other, less expensive, Buetooth headsets aren’t well made, I’m only saying that I don’t have any experience with them to form an opinion on the matter.

Final thoughts

I’ll wrap up this MotoReview by saying this- motorcycles can be as expensive, or inexpensive, as you want them to be. You don’t have to buy a Bluetooth headset comm system- you could sneak your earbuds up and into your helmet and they would work just fine- trust me, that’s what I used to do. You also don’t have to have a leather riding jacket, good, high quality riding boots, gloves or even a decent helmet… I’ve seen plenty of people that don’t. I think that one of the most ridiculous thing I’ve seen is a guy on a CVO Street Glide with every factory option that H-D sells, riding in cheap cargo shorts, an Amazon beanie helmet and, the worst part- Crocs. This guy was riding a motorcycle that he likely dropped over $45k on, and his entire riding attire cost less than a weeks worth of coffee at Starbucks.

So, if you know what you want, and you don’t mind spending a few extra dollars for a high quality, well made, easy to use Bluetooth headset with a battery that will outlast your iPhone, then you can’t go wrong with the Sena 20S EVO. If you ride with, literally, anyone else… whether they are sharing a seat on your bike or if they’re riding their own, a comm system is an invaluable tool to improve your overall riding experience. Having a way to listen to your music inside your helmet, with the full controls and the full functionality of your phone for making calls, and being able to tell your buddies when you need to make a pit stop, is a helluva nice creature comfort to have.

If you’re on the fence, watch the online retailers and sign up for their mailing lists. Revzilla, for example, is always having sales and with each purchase, you earn (what they call) Zilla  Bucks, which takes a little money off your next order. Even if you have to pay full price, I think you’ll find that the Sena 20 S EVO will last you a long time and the cost will be mitigated over time.

Until next time, ride safe and make good choices!

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Jack Of All Trades

Jack of all trades…

…but a master of none. 

That’s a phrase I’ve heard, pretty much all my life. When I was a young boy, I asked my dad what that meant and he explained it to me like this- it’s when someone can do a lot of things, but can’t do any of them really well. With such a simple explanation of the phrase, to my adolescent ears, it sounded like an insult. As I grew older though, my thoughts on the matter changed. As I entered adulthood, got married and had kids, I realized that I had to learn how to do a lot of different things over the years. Things that a blue-collar, working class guy supporting a family on a single income didn’t have the option to call, and pay, an “expert” to do. Things like, maintaining and repairing my own car, doing plumbing work, doing basic electrical repairs, repairing sheetrock, doing small engine repair, fixing appliances, and basically everything else that comes along in order to keep the “family machine” going. 


If necessity is the mother of invention, then adversity is the mother of innovation and poverty is the father of inspiration. We do what we must to keep moving forward. For example, when your washing machine takes a dump at 6 pm on a Sunday night, but you have to be at work at 7 am on Monday morning and your clothes are dirty, then not fixing that worn out Maytag becomes a top priority. When you only have $68 in your bank account to last until payday, then calling the Maytag repairman, who charges a minimum fee of $100 for a house call  simply isn’t an option. It’s easy to become motivated to repair something when you are your own last hope. It’s also very easy to get inspired to do it, when your too broke to pay someone to do it for you.

Can-do, is more than an attitude

Having a “can-do” attitude is a great start, but the reality is that you do need to have a little more than just some confidence to make the repair. You also have to know, at least a little, about what it is you’re trying to do. If it’s repairing a washing machine, you should have a basic understanding of what makes it work, first. If you see that machine as a magic box that uses some otherworldly powers to get your clothes clean, then you’re probably going to struggle with grasping the concept of relays, switches, belts, drains and pumps. But, if you have a basic understanding of how it works and you can turn a wrench, then you’re probably going to be okay.

I’ve always had a good understanding of basic mechanical concepts, so it’s never been too complicated for me to open the “hood” and figure out what does what, and what isn’t doing what it’s supposed to be doing. Engines, for example, are my favorite to work on. They are simple- they only need compression, fuel and spark in order to run. Computers, by contrast, are basically the aforementioned magic boxes that use otherworldly powers to do what they do. I’ve never really grasped the concept of how they work. For example, why is it that the iPad I’m using to type this, seems to load, run and process significantly faster than the PC I used to use and, how is the “computer” in my iPhone so much more powerful than the Dell computer I had 20+ years ago? It’s not that I actually think it’s magic, but I don’t really understand how the components work together, so it’s basically a mystery to me. 


Motorcycles are intimate machines. For most of us that ride, we take personal pride in customizing our machines to suit our individual tastes. Some of us, take it even further, by doing most (if not all) of the work ourselves. When I bought my first Harley-Davidson motorcycle, I paid the dealership to do the first service on it and, to my shock, it was over $300! That was 15 years ago. After that, at the recommendation of a good friend and co-worker, I bought a service manual for my bike and never looked back. I still had to bring it in, a couple of times, for things that were outside of my ability (at the time), but for the most part, I did everything else myself. 

Doing things like adding grips, mirrors, pegs and seats were simple enough, but doing things like brake jobs, tire changes and oil changes by myself were regarded as outlandish, by my more affluent friends. Going into more in-depth repairs like replacing clutches, fuel-injector replacements, stator replacements and wiring diagnostics and repair all seem to elicit responses like wide eyes and gasps of disbelief. 

When I crashed the MotoWriter Dyna, I was faced with a decision- settle out with the insurance company and let them take the bike in return for a couple thousand dollars more, or take a lower settlement amount and keep the bike. Looking over my busted bike, I just couldn’t stand the thought of giving it up for a couple of thousand dollars, so I decided to take a chance and try to repair it myself. Initially, I had my doubts and was prepared to get a donor bike, just in case I needed it. While I was tearing it down, though… I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was in a lot better condition than I had initially thought. After a year on the lift, collecting parts and pieces that were damaged in the crash, and working on it a little at a time, I was finally able to get it back, better than before. 

Master of none

While I’m no master mechanic and I’m no master paint and body guy, I’ve surprised myself at how well this thing has turned out. For full disclosure- the engine and drivetrain were not damaged in the crash, but to be fair… those are the two things that I would have been the most comfortable (and confident) in working on. 

The paint turned out really nice, especially for a garage paint job using rattle-can color and clear coats. Now, I doubt that I would ever take on painting someone else’s bike (not without their full understanding that they would not get perfection in a free paint job), but I definitely wouldn’t shy away from doing another one for myself. 

Just for fun, I had some packing materials from a new kitchen appliance laying around in my garage, that I thought might one day be useful for something, so I decided to take a chance and build a backrest pad for Mrs. MotoWriter, in case she decides to saddle up on the Street Bob with me. Once again, I surprised myself with how well it turned out (especially for the total cost of $2.74).

The Moral of this story

It’s simple- the moral of this story is that every expert in any field, was once an uneducated, inexperienced, layman. 

We all start out as blank canvases, ready to learn and gain confidence in what we do by doing it, failing, and doing it again and again until we get it right. That isn’t how you get experience, that is experience. 

So my message to you is this- get out there and, at the very least, try. If your washing machine, lawnmower, motorcycle, or, whatever, is broken… then do some research, get the tools, get the right parts and take your time to try to fix it yourself. The worst thing that can happen is that it’s still broken when you’re done… but the best thing that can happen is that you will gain the confidence, and feel the pride, of knowing that you did it… you fixed the mower, you painted the gas tank, you built a backrest out of, what was essentially, trash. Heck, you never know, you might just even get inspired to do more, or maybe even find that you like doing something else and want to follow that passion into your next career, or adventure, in life… and how frickin’ cool would that be?

Until next time, MotoReaders… 

Ride safe and try to fix what you break!

Here’s a few photos of my latest little “try” projects:

Sunday, November 24, 2024

MotoReview- Harley-Davidson backpack


MotoReview: Harley-Davidson “Tough Terrain” Backpack

Quick details

Cool and most notable features: attached hideaway helmet carrier; numerous pockets; lightweight; sturdy nylon material; sternum and torso straps; padded back with airflow channel; hidden compartment in rear; lockable main compartment (TSA approved); looks great; comfortable to wear; easy to handle; huge main compartment; nice finishing details.

First Impressions

 Let’s jump right into this, shall we? First of all, I’m a function over form type of guy, so whatever it is, it has to be functional first. I want it to look good, but if it doesn’t work worth a damn, then it doesn’t matter how good it looks. This pack delivers on both.

Function: It has a nice, durable shell made of honeycomb nylon, making it rip stop and water resistant, it has comfortable, padded, straps, a padded back with an airflow channel, a thick, padded top handle, a sternum strap and a torso strap, more pockets than you can fill, and a lockable main compartment that is TSA compliant. 

 Form: It has the best color combination- black and gray; it has a cool interior liner that looks like a topographical map; the bag is sturdy; has heavy duty zippers and zipper pulls that are adorned with engraved bar and shield logos. It also has a good overall feel- it feels like a well made pack. 

It also has some nice details, such as: a sewn-on Bar & Shield logo; and some small, reflective strips to offer a bit of visibility without the reflective overkill that many manufacturers like to add to their gear. The zippers are nylon with metal pulls and they seal the pack very nicely. Initially, I was a little concerned about how well they would hold up against overpacking the pack, but I have been pleasantly surprised at how tough they are and how well they hold up. The seams are all well-stitched and sturdy and all of the most common tear and damage points of a typical backpack, have all been reinforced and redesigned. Areas like the top of the bag where the straps attach. Most packs just have the straps sewn to the top of the bag, but this one has the straps made as one large piece that is sewn in across the top. This allows the weight of the pack to be evenly distributed across the top of the bag, making it more comfortable to wear, while eliminating the stress points of the straps.

A year of use

I’ve had this pack for a little over a year now and, while I don’t use it every day, when I do use it, I really use it. I have packed this thing to its capacity several times- often using it like a small suitcase; I’ve carried books and binders when I was in training classes; I’ve taken it on several flights and, on one of my last trips, I used it as my only suitcase on a trip back to the motorcycle motherland, Milwaukee, USA. 

Going through TSA screenings, wearing it in narrow airplane isles, and stuffing it under the seat in front of me, were all easily done, thanks to the slim design and the way it expands (to the back, instead of the sides). The pockets and compartments are perfect for storing all of your essentials- chewing gum, earbuds, phone, keys, glasses, water bottles… you name it, there’s probably a pocket or a compartment to hold it. 

In using it as a suitcase, I’ve easily packed several days worth of clothes in it, along with my iPad and, of course, personal hygiene essentials. Now, remember… I don’t often wear suits, so this isn’t for that, but for my normal daily wear of jeans, t-shirts and the occasional button-down shirt… this pack worked great. 

 Even when fully loaded, this pack is still very comfortable to wear. The straps are padded, the back is padded and it has a padded carry handle on top for when you need to hold on to it after taking it off. The back padding has a channel that runs along the center for airflow so that you don’t wind up with that awkward back sweat in the warmer months. If it feels a little wonky, simply buckle the chest and torso straps with the quick-release buckles, pull the strap to cinch it up and keep on truckin’. 

The material is a rip-stop nylon with a honeycomb pattern and the pack has a nice mix of textures and materials that compliment each other nicely. Like I said previously, this pack feels good.

 The bottom of the bag, which will typically get worn through from being abraded by the ground against the weight of the contents, has been reinforced with a heavier, coated nylon. But, this bag also has a little something special at the bottom- a zippered compartment that holds an integrated helmet holder. While I haven’t used this feature a lot, it is extremely handy to have if you don’t want to leave your helmet behind. It unfolds easily and has long straps and quick release buckles for ease and convenience of use, and it will accommodate just about any type and size of helmet. I’ve used it with my HJC modular and it worked very well to secure my helmet to my pack. 

Weather and Durability 

Full disclosure- I haven’t drenched this pack in the pouring rain, but I have worn it in a couple of moderate rain storms for 15-20 minutes at a time and it has resisted the water intrusion, pretty well. Nothing inside got wet, but I can’t say that it wouldn’t, given a more concentrated exposure. I will say, however, that I wouldn’t be afraid of wearing this pack on a road trip and riding through a rain storm with it… I just wouldn’t have any electronics at the top near the zippers. Speaking of electronics- I try to bring my iPad with me on trips, so that I can do some writing when the moments are right for it. When you’re traveling, you don’t necessarily want to open up, and start digging around in, your bag to get to your laptop or tablet. After all, you don’t want your private garments becoming public garments. This pack keeps your bag contents private, by having a large, flat, “hidden” zippered compartment in the back, between the shoulder straps and the main compartment. It opens from the side and, when its closed, if you didn’t know it was there, you wouldn’t notice it. It’s a great place to slide your tablet, a notebook, and maybe even a slim laptop, into for quick access.

I haven’t tried to tear this pack up, but I certainly haven’t babied it, either. I believe in actually using gear because that’s the best way to see how good it actually is. With that said, it is holding up to the abuse, quite well. After a year of, sometimes hard, use this pack doesn’t show any signs of wear. The seams are all intact, the zippers all pull smoothly and close tightly, and the outside surface and inner linings of the bag still look, for lack of a better description, new. 


This bag is, almost, all pros. Seriously. I can’t find much to complain about for the kind of use I have put this pack through. It’s about as ideal of a bag as I could ask for. It’s strong, well made and is proving to be more and more durable with each use. If your’e looking for a cheap pack, this isn’t it, but if you’re looking for a nice, quality, motorcycle-oriented backpack, then you can’t go wrong with this one. 


The only real “complaint” on this pack would be the “Harley Tax”, aka, the price. It seems that everything that Harley-Davidson makes, or anything that is branded with the H-D logo, that is worth having is no less than a hundred bucks. Having that in mind, I don’t mind spending a little extra if I know that what I’m getting is of good quality. At $140 USD, the pack is a little pricey, but considering that you can’t get it anywhere else (Athalon makes it, exclusively for the MoCo), the H-D pricing isn’t so bad. Let’s face it, any really high quality bag is going to cost you anyway, so what’s a few extra bucks toward keeping an American company running a little longer? Especially if those few extra bucks will get you a long lasting piece of gear that will likely survive just about anything you throw at it.

Final thoughts 

I’m not a particularly difficult person to please when it comes to gear, parts, equipment, clothes, boots, and so on. Just give me what I’m paying for. Whether it’s a good pair of boots, a nice set of handlebars, a good jacket or an overall great motorcycle, I just want the quality, performance and durability that I’m expecting to get for the price I’ve paid. I work hard for my money, and I’m sure you do too, so it’s not too much to ask that we are getting a fair trade for our hard-earned wages. If you’ve read, or watched, any of my reviews, you’ve no doubt noticed a trend toward the positive. That’s because I try to make good, well thought out decisions before I drop cash on something. That’s not to say that I don’t sometimes buy a dud or expect something to be better than expected, but overall I do try to do some research before I spend money. This pack was no exception- I read the reviews on the H-D site and tried to weed through those that were given in exchange for a free backpack, and those that were written after unreasonable expectations weren't met. 

Overall, if you’re looking for a high quality backpack that will do, almost, anything you need it to do and look good doing it, then you need to head on over to the Harley-Davidson website and pick one of these awesome packs up, before they sell out and, in true H-D fashion, are gone forever. 

Pack light, travel often and until next time, MotoReaders… 

ride safe and make good choices!


Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Dyna update

The MotoWriter Dyna 

As many of you know, last year, I crashed my Dyna Street Bob (affectionately known as the MotoWriter Dyna). 

For those new to the blog (or missed the original post)- basically, I was riding on a road that I knew had a dangerous intersection, where gravel from an intersecting road washes into a curve of the main road. While I wasn’t speeding, I should have slowed down more than I did, because I wound up encountering the gravel that was perfectly in line with my front tire. In what turned out to be a failed attempt to avoid it, I lost control, high-sided and won a busted bike, a gnarly cut across my back and some bruised internal organs as reward for my carelessness.

Once the insurance company and I settled up (I chose to keep the scoot and rebuild it), I set out to tearing it down and repairing it, piece by piece. Now, I’m not rich by any means, but I’m not poor, either. I chose to do the work myself because I enjoy it. Besides, if God gave me the confidence to try, and the ability to succeed, why on earth would I pay someone else to do it?

Tear down

The tear down involved taking the bike down, basically, to a unicycle. The forks, triple-trees, tank, seat, and a bunch of small, miscellaneous parts came off. From there, I inspected each piece, determined what was damaged and what wasn’t, and then made a list of what I needed. Fortunately, the frame was solid, straight and undamaged (which was my biggest fear), and the tank wasn’t dented, just scratched up on the low side. 

In removing the triple trees, I found that the neck bearings were worn out and unusable, but I’m not sure if that was a result of the crash or simply a previously unseen result of, prior to my ownership, neglect. Either way, those were replaced. I found a set of “new” take-off handlebars that I picked up at a pretty good price, and I found a nice set of “new” take-off fork sliders (these things couldn’t have had more than 100 miles on them when they were swapped out). I picked up a nice, used clutch perch, a new set of levers, a new pair of fork tubes and a couple of fork rebuild kits from my local Harley-Davidson shop. The front wheel and wheel bearings were good, as were the front and rear fenders. The exhaust survived, but the heat shield was tweaked and a clamp bracket was broken, so I repaired that and massaged the heat shield back into shape. 

After rebuilding the forks and installing the new neck bearings, I put the front end back together and then I rewarded myself with a nice cold Miller High Life… because let’s face it… making a motorcycle out of a unicycle is worthy of the reward of the “champagne of beers.”

Once the front end was back together, I set out to cleaning up the tank scratches. I had some paint left over from the quarter fairing that I installed before the crash (R.I.P. to the fairing, as it did not survive the crash, nor did it make the final cut of replacement parts). I tried painting a patch area, but that effort failed, so I put that on the back burner and decided to make sure the damn thing would run and ride again, instead. I’m glad I did, because I was seriously considering selling or trading the Dyna until I fired her up for the first time since the crash. The 96” Twin Cam came to life easily and it ran and rode great- so great, in fact, that I have ridden it several times over the last month… funky paint and all. Riding it reminded me how much I actually like this motorcycle.

After riding it a few times, I decided to dedicate a day (today) to repainting the tank. Over the past few months, I’ve been trying to decide if I should change the color, or maybe do a cool design, or maybe even swap the tank badges for decals. Ultimately, it was Mrs. MotoWriter that reminded me what one of the guys at the Harley-Davidson Museum said to me, when we were talking about the MotoWriter Dyna. He told me that, since Dynas are no longer made, and since so many of them have been hacked up and made into stunt bikes and racing machines, that a (mostly) stock Dyna Street Bob in Brilliant Silver paint, was likely to become a pretty valuable machine one day. Now, he may have just been telling me that to make me feel better about my relatively boring silver bike, but it did make me start looking for others like it. To my surprise, I didn’t find many silver Street Bobs out there. Like the guy said, most Dynas I’ve come across have been turned into wheelie and stunt machines (which is a trend that I can’t stand… maybe I’m just getting old, but public streets where my family drives just isn’t the place for f*@%ing around on a 600+ pound projectile that is precariously balanced on one wheel by a SQUID that doesn’t believe, or doesn’t care, that he could lose control and kill himself or someone else- rant over).

As of today

So that brings me to today. I took the tank off, prepped it for paint and have begun laying the metallic goodness down (I’m between color coats as I type this). After I finish the color coats, I’ll go over it with several coats of clear until I’m satisfied with the results, then I’ll let it set for a few days before I finish it up and get the badges back on, and get it mounted back on the bike.

Stay tuned for more photos once it’s back together and ready to hit the open road again. Until then, ride safe and avoid making the same mistakes I did!