We all have friends- even the most
socially distant, introverted and anti-social among us. Some people have 3,135
friends (as recorded by their social media platforms), while others have, well,
less than that. But how many of those people in your life are true friends?
How many of them would be there for you in the middle of the night when you're
stranded on some dark, country back road with a busted bike? How many of them
can you count on to bring you a gallon of gas when you run out, a sandwich when
you're hungry or will call you and comfort you when your dog dies? How many of
them have you done that for? Are you the
type of friend that, if your kid was having a birthday party and you got a
phone call from your buddy saying that he needed some help, you would jump in
the car and drive 20 miles to help him out? Are you that
It seems like everybody in this age
of social media, likes, follows, hashtags and emojis has forgotten (or maybe
they never even knew) what true friendship really is. Oh, you have two thousand
friends on Facebook... sooo great... but, how many of them know you, truly
know you? How many of them know that you're lactose intolerant, have
diabetes, or that you are self-conscious about your ears? I'm not bashing
those that collect "friends", but is it really fair or truthful to
call them friends?
I've got somewhere around, oh let's
say... 5-7 friends. I have a few hundred acquaintances, but only a handful of
actual friends. Some I talk to almost daily, others I haven't seen in person in
several years and I only really communicate with them through social media.
Those 5-7 people are the ones that I know, without a doubt, would be there
for me, and I would be there for them at any time. But, I'm also that friend that, when someone calls me and asks for help, I go help them... even if I
know, without a doubt, that they will not reciprocate. I've always
tried to be there when one of my friends, no... not friends, let's call them
so-called friends- "socafriends", for short. I've always
tried to be there when one of my socafriends needed me. If
only people were honest enough to actually say what they truly meant, it would
certainly cut down on any confusion as to who you could, or could not, rely on
when you are in a pinch.
"Hey man, can you come work on my bike for me? I know haven't ever done anything but talk shit about you
behind your back, but I also know that you are pretty handy with a set of
wrenches and know a few things about motorcycles and I really don't want to pay
an actual mechanic. So, I'd rather just be nice to you for a little while until
you have my bike fixed, then go back to ignoring you, instead."
But, it's not that way, is it?
Nope, we have to try the ole, trial and error thing, instead. You spend four
hours on a Saturday, helping a "friend" move, then the following
Friday, you find out he's having a housewarming party that you weren't invited
to. Turns out, he was just a socafriend. Or, maybe you spend a week, working on a "friend's" bike only to
watch him sell it a month later and not even offer to give you a few bucks for
your trouble, or even buy you lunch. Socafriend. As for me, I've given my friends motorcycle parts that I
wasn't using, wrenched, for hours and days, on their bikes, helped them move,
helped them fix their cars, given them advice, helped them through tough
situations, you name it. But, when the task is done... all I've seen in return,
from all but around 5-7 of them, is a whole lot of nothing. They go back to
talking shit and making snide comments about me, or most commonly- simply and
conveniently forgetting who I am until the next time that they
need me.
Now, I know what you're thinking-
when those socafriends call again, don't help them, just tell them to piss off,
right?!? Nope. Not me, anyway. I'll help them again. It's not because I'm a sucker for
punishment or that I like the abuse, but it's because I am just trying to be a good person and
I always try to do the best that I can for the time that I'm here. Look, it's
not their fault that they're selfish jerks. They have their circle of 5-7 true
friends and I'm just not in it. I'm totally good with that too, because I know
that I don't want to be in a circle with people who will treat others like that. Instead,
I'd rather be the guy that people can rely on when they need help even if those
people don't really deserve the help that I give them. The world is full of
shitty people, I don't want to be another one and I certainly don't want my
son's to be that way. Besides, that's how you learn who are your friends, and
who are your socafriends. As my beautiful and intelligent wife would say- learning
is fun!
I implore you to be that person who
helps. Be a good friend, even to those socafriends.