I'd like to take a quick second to just give a sincere and heartfelt- THANK YOU to everyone that has been so supportive of me. Thanks to all of you who are liking, following and sharing my Facebook page, Instagram page and blog site with your friends and family. Thanks to all of you that have commented, reached out to me in messages and offered words of support and encouragement as I've been putting myself out there with this project.
There are a lot of people that love to see others fail and it seems that when we try something new, something that we love and enjoy doing, those people show their true colors. They try to tear you down, make you feel stupid, roll their eyes at you, make snide comments or talk about you behind your back. Maybe it helps them feel superior, maybe they are just so insecure that they can't stand to see someone else succeed or maybe they are just self-centered jerks. While it's tough to do, because maybe you thought they were your friends, or maybe because you had a lot of respect for them, when they show you who they really are, it's best to just ignore them, move on and be grateful for the lesson.
I never expected that this endeavor would be as successful as it has been and I never thought that so many people would enjoy reading my work. I'm excited to keep it going for you and I'm excited (and a little nervous) about what the future will bring. So to all of you who have been so supportive- THANK YOU SO MUCH!!