Who am I and why the hell should you care about reading my blog?

Avid motorcyclist & freelance writer, specializing in motorcycles & motorcycle related topics, with a healthy dose of good humor, good vibes & general advice on simply being a good person.

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Would you like to see YOUR bike here?

Bike of the month

In an effort to distract myself from the crummy weather and other unfortunate recent life events, I'd like to try something new, something positive and something FUN- a Bike of The Month feature, here on the ole MotoWriter blog.

That's right, I'd like to see YOUR motorcycle and I'd like to do a cool story on it for the whole world to see. That's right, my blog is worldwide, baby. 



And for the low, low cost of simply emailing a few high resolution photos of your motorcycle and giving me some specifics on it, I'll pick one of the coolest scoots I get each month and do a featured story on it. Talk about bragging rights... what better bragging rights at the local bike night is there than having your bike featured on a relatively small blog, written by a virtually unknown writer? Um... I'll tell you- plenty... or none, BUT you might have one of your friends leave feeling a little envious of you and, you already KNOW that your grandpa will think it's awfully nifty that his favorite motorcycle riding grandkid has his or her bike featured on the interweb.

So let's see what you got! Send your pics to motowriter74@gmail.com and don't forget to drop me some info about where you got it, what you did to it (if anything, this doesn't have to be a custom only bike
feature) and most importantly, where on this rock you ride and why. I'm looking forward to hearing from you and seeing your scooters. 

Um, just remember one thing though PLEASE... let's keep it PG... or at least PG-13.

Ride safe and make good choices! 

(ya see what I did there?)