I’m back…
First off, let me say to all of my devoted MotoReaders- I’m sorry to have left you with nothing but the rest of the dumb old internet to read and peruse, over the last few months.
It’s not much of an excuse, but it’s the only one I have, so here goes: This year has been incredibly busy for me at my payin’ job. I’ve also been working on a side project (hint- it’s a crime novel… stay tuned for more on that later) and I’ve been trying to get the MotoWriter Dyna off the lift. Add to that, I also wrench on the bikes at work, as well as ride them, and by the time I get home from work… I’ve been pretty well spent, physically and mentally. Like I said, it’s not much of an excuse, but it’s all I got. With that said, though… a lot has happened, so let’s get into it, shall we?
What’s new?
Well, let’s take a quick review…
Mrs. MotoWriter and I visited the great state of Georgia in April, where we visited some of the filming locations of a little Netflix series you may have heard of called, Stranger Things. We had a blast and even ran across the crew while they were filming some of the final season.
When we got back home, I took a day trip to mid-Alabama with a good friend (and creator of the novel I’m writing) so I could help him get his new-to-him motorcycle (more on that in a later blog post).
After getting back, I started tearing into the MotoWriter Dyna (not to keep teasing future posts… but there’s just too much to write about that on this one… so, more on that in a future blog post).
In May, I took a trip to Daytona to pick up a couple of new motorcycles for work. June was nothing but work, so in July, Mrs. MotoWriter and I decided to go to back to one of our favorite places- Milwaukee, Wisconsin. On the day we left, the Microsoft Crowdstrike outage occurred, causing software outages across the world and impacting travel worldwide. We made it safely to our destination, and had a great time while we were there, but the travel was a pain in the ass and we ended up having to rent a car and drive the rest of the way back home. We made a fun road trip out of it, though, and made it back at the same time we would have, so it turned out okay in the end. The trip to Milwaukee was awesome and I’ll probably follow up with more details on that in the future, so keep an eye out for that.
August was another busy month of work, followed by an almost-as-busy September and October. I know that the busiest times of my job lately seem to be between spring and late summer, but damn… if I didn’t know better, I’d say that 2024 really added some extra to my proverbial plate. Now, don’t get me wrong… I was able to get some personal stuff done over the past few months and Mrs. MotoWriter and I were able to enjoy some down time together. We even got to spend some quality time with the MotoKids, and that is always great. In October, Mrs. MotoWriter and I were even able to attend our goddaughter’s wedding, which was awesome. Full disclosure- Mrs. M and I aren’t exactly what you’d call “social butterflies”, so we tend to avoid big social gatherings, but we are both really glad we pushed past our anxieties and attended. She was a beautiful bride and her new husband seemed like a really great guy. The wedding was beautiful and the reception was really nice. Not to mention, seeing my brother-from-another-mother and being a part of this very special day for his family, was a memory that we will both cherish for a very long time to come.
November has started out busy, but I’m finally saying “enough is enough” and I have finally decided to dedicate some time for myself, my writing and to reaching some of my own personal goals.
What’s next?
I love that question. It’s so full of hope and promise. Moving forward, you’ll be seeing a return to the regular posts (and I’ve got several to write, so you can expect to see a few more than I usually post) and I’m going to get back to writing the novel. I’ll also be sharing some photos of the Dyna resurrection, some trips I recommend and you’ll definitely be getting some insight and opinion pieces to reflect on. I might even do a review or two… you’ll have to wait and see.
For me, writing is the intellectual equivalent of riding my motorcycle. This blog, not only, serves as an outlet to express myself creatively, but it’s also a therapeutic device to help me deal with stress in a way that is healthy and productive and, hopefully, a little entertaining. It’s odd and, at the same time, astounding for me that so many of you read (and seem to enjoy) what I have to say. For that- I offer a heartfelt thank you.
I’ve got another piece locked and loaded and I’ll be putting the final touches on it this afternoon, so check back in a day or two for that to be posted.
Thanks again for staying with me and, as always…
Ride safe and make good choices!